Sorry I’ve been quiet the past few days. I didn’t mean to be. But I was.
The major project at work is jumping whole-body in tomorrow. Tomorrow’s D-Day. I’m not worried. Not a bit. That not-worrying is definitely not what kept me awake until 3am last night, especially since I wasn’t working on the migration at all. Not a bit. I also don’t believe in this much negativity.
Coming up this Saturday I have my first trip to D.C. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a hair nervous about it. I’m not nervous about the city or anything – hell, if I can navigate Taipei, I can navigate a large American city. No problem. I guess I’m more nervous about making sure I’m fulfilling expectations. I spend a lot of time wondering if I fulfill expectations. This boils down to the even the tiniest of levels. This weekend, for example, I finally told my wife…
“…alright, maybe it’s time to get some new clothes and dress better.”
I’m thinking it’s not all slummy t-shirts and jeans at HQ. I’m thinking I probably need a little bit better image and first impressions are best, yadda yadda. Don’t get me wrong – the people I work for know me very well and know how I dress/look. It’s the other people around them that I’m worried about right now.
Bah. I’m not worried. Not a bit.
All you people out there that think I’m funny… bah! Laugh it up, I know it’s all silly… especially for a 34-year-old. I sound like a woman obsessing over a first date.