Vermyndax / A Day in the Capitol

Created Mon, 22 Jan 2007 04:52:25 +0000 Modified Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:25:52 +0000
412 Words

So today I had the chance to wander a bit.  My friend/coworker picked me up for a ride around town in his very lovely Porsche.  We tooled around the capitol a bit and ran in for a quick visit to the Aviation and Space Museum (Smithsonian).  What a lovely, lovely treat.  We blazed through it pretty quickly but being in the presence of that much Great Stuff is humbling.

I was especially taken aback at the small spaces our astronauts have grown accustomed to for space travel.  The capsules and living spaces in Skylab were all extremely claustrophobic.  I’m not sure how we’ve been able to come this far with things that have just been… err… passable?  I dunno.  What we’re capable of is quite amazing.

After the quick run thru of the museum, we noticed on the way out that it was snowing… and sticking.  Sticking quickly.  We walked a bit further and noticed the snow was… building.  It was decided that we must return to the vehicle and get out of town to the house posthaste, as we were to have dinner at my friends’ house.  On the way (which was a very, very slow drive), we tried to reach folks to find out if they were going to make it or not.  Unfortunately, almost everyone had to cancel.

No matter, we were going to have an awesome dinner anyway.

Then… we ran into a patch of ice we couldn’t overcome.  The decision was made to abandon the Porsche.  The wife had to come and retrieve us in the 4 wheel drive so we could make it home safely.

Anyway, we had a lovely dinner and awesome conversation.  We watched the last three quarters of the Colts/Patriots football game and finally called it a night.  I rode back to the hotel with another coworker from a different err… location.  The roads were in much better shape now because the salt trucks had been out, so the drive back was much easier.

So now I’m back in the hotel, but it’s pretty much bedtime.  Tomorrow I have what is sure to be an exciting commute, so I need to head to bed and get some rest.  The next two days promise to be quite lively with our presentation and all of the work ahead of us.

I miss Taitai, Bunbun and Kiddo terribly.  Luckily I get to see them all this weekend.

Off to start the week with a nice slumber…