Vermyndax / Never so happy to see it solid

Created Mon, 07 May 2007 04:08:58 +0000 Modified Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:25:52 +0000
135 Words

Tonight we decided that BunBun was feeling well enough for a babysitter, so we asked Auntie Lynda to come over so we could head out to catch Spider-Man 3.

Awesome flick. Nuff said. I hope they stay away from 4, 5 and 6 – 3 just wraps up the whole set of films into a nice package, it would be a shame to try to extend something that may not be there.

Anyhoo… we came home tonight and played a little more with BunBun. Man, was he in a good mood. He was obviously feeling better, as he was running around the house and acting rambunctious as usual.

But then… finally… the holy grail… the true sign that the virus is finally licked…

…what came out of the back end was solid…

…and angels sang.