Vermyndax / The threat of the iBrick

Created Sat, 29 Sep 2007 22:39:47 +0000 Modified Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:25:52 +0000

I’m reading a lot of backlash today regarding Apple’s announcement that an upcoming firmware update may turn the iPhone into an iBrick.

Most of reactions can be filed under kneejerk, but since that will be the smallest word on the tag cloud (cough cough), let’s analyze this a little bit.

Apple is preemptively warning consumers that some of the publicly available hacks for the iPhone may have caused “damage” of some kind that will either be repaired or turned into an open bleeding wound. The point is not so much that Apple is warning that you may have an iBrick, which is what most people are sticking with. Rather, people feel the point is that Apple is announcing they “intend” to brick you.

Look – the mere fact that Apple is speaking up about this and warning of possible dire consequences proves two things at the very minimum: 1) They have been testing a few of the unlock methods and know there are consequences to the next firmware update and 2) They understand the consumer’s desire to unlock the iPhone and hack away at it, which is why they’re warning you.

Based on this warning, I think many people are getting the mistaken impression that Apple intends to whack your iPhone. I believe this to be false. I would maintain that if Apple was going to intentionally disable this functionality, they would stay quiet about the aftereffects and merely issue the update – then let the customers know how screwed they are when they bring the iPhone in to the shop. Instead, Apple is preemptively warning consumers because they seem to GiveADamn.

Would you rather they just update your firmware and you find out the hard way?

I just don’t understand the mindset of people who call this a customer-unfriendly attitude. Well, actually, I do, but the reason I understand that isn’t kind and… well… I’m going to take someone else’s mother’s advice and not say anything since it’s nothin’ good to say.