Vermyndax / Macworld: Day 0

Created Mon, 14 Jan 2008 07:30:33 +0000 Modified Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:25:52 +0000
249 Words

– Arrived in San Francisco at about 5pm Pacific.

…almost missed my plane in Atlanta… damn, gotta stop booking flights with 20-30 minutes inbetween and having to haul ass through that airport!

…listed to lots of podcasts, watched two episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season 2 and one episode of Jericho.

…read up on Confessions of Economic Hitman. Interesting read so far.

– Got to Westin St. Francis about 6:20pm. Checked in. Room on the ninth floor had the faint smell of cigar smoke, instantly got sick. Asked to switched to another room. At that time, my coworker called. He got the room right next to me. We switched rooms.

– Went to eat with co-worker at the concierge-recommended Italian place named “Fino.” Very good. Ate well, drank well. Too well. Charged it on corporate card because it was too well.

– Made plans to get up at 6am and head out to Macworld Day 1 at 7am. This includes a stopover at Starbucks for breakfast and coffee and registration at Moscone West at 8am.

– Macworld Day 1 will be a Power tools conference for me on Mac OS X Server and advanced topics dealing with it.

– Booked 5 tickets to Cloverfield at the Century Cinema 9 on Market Street for 9:40pm Friday night, January 18th… the night the monster is supposed to attack. Mmmm that will be good stuff.

– Time for bed and more reading of aforementioned book. Onward to the conference! Uhh, I mean sleep.