Getting sick of it yet? Not me. Still having a great time here. I’m looking forward to seeing Leo Laporte and Alex Lindsay this afternoon.
In the meantime…
The Eve Online booth on the show floor. I accidentally ran into the developers of the game. They promised me an account. How nice of them 🙂 (Don’t they promise an account for anyone who pays?)
Great astronomy software to be had here. Neat telescope too.
There’s picture speaks a lot, but I’m not sure what it’s saying.
Leo Laporte was giving a speech at a walk-up booth on the floor. He is losing his voice – badly. Hope he can speak today!
This shot is mainly for my daughter. These folks have some funky skins for your Macbook. Nice lookin’ stuff.
One of the busiest (and ugliest) displays at the show. Looking at this thing is an instant eyesore. So I shot two pictures of it for you.
I think everyone knows by now what Macbook this is. If you don’t, then why are you bothering to even read this?
Scott Bourne and Andy Ihnatko were interviewing in a soundproof booth on the floor. I think they got sick of the zoo surrounding them taking pictures.