8:48am PDT: Here we are again at Moscone West. We wanted to stop and get some real breakfast this morning but that just didn’t pan out. We ended up with pastries and coffee again. We headed on in and camped out at the sofas in the lounge.
In a few minutes I’ll be heading up to the Live with David Pogue show on the third floor.
10:53am PDT: Live with David Pogue show was very entertaining. A good way to start the show. Next up we’re heading into a conference session about Macs in the Washington Post.
12:25pm PDT: Just got out of the Washington Post session and sat down for lunch. Rob Curley is the bomb! GREAT session on how the washingtonpost.com team is using the Internet. Great, great stuff. Alextreme, you’re right – I need to learn django.