Vermyndax / Stank-Ass Little Viral Bastard Die Die DIE

Created Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:32:36 +0000 Modified Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:25:52 +0000
454 Words

Alright, now I’ve had it.  This virus must die.

This is by far one of the worst, pathetic, no-reason-to-exist lifeforms on this planet.  I want it exterminated.  Immediately.

It’s a highly-contagious gastrointestinal virus and I’m pissed.

Friday morning at about 1am, our son started vomiting again.  Only this time, he was throwing up blood.  I took one look at the output and declared, “That’s it.  Hospital.  Now.”

We got dressed and headed into the emergency room.  While we were there at the triage nurse station checking in, he threw up blood again, so at least they didn’t have to reach into his stomach or whatnot.  They decided to admit us after we spent a good six hours sitting around in the E.R., falling asleep at random.

Friday was spent in the room on the 4th floor with occasional visits from the nurses and doctors.  They concluded that the boy had a gastrointestinal virus and likely ruptured something.  He didn’t throw up at all until everyone collectively decided we should check out.  No sooner than we start to sign it away, he throws up again.  Only this time, there was no blood.  Since there was no blood, the hospital still advised us to go home and wait the virus out.  We did.

About 7pm we get home and BunBun seems to be feeling better.  His appetite returns for a bit and he’s able to pull down some food without issue.  That’s good.

Then it happens to me.  That little virus fucker had jumped to me and set up camp.

I’ll spare you the gory details, but needless to say it was evident that I was quite ill.  I spent most of the night being quite sick and during the day on Saturday, it was obvious that my son was recovering well and I was going down.  I was aching, my head was killing me and my stomach… gah, my stomach.  Just cut it out of me and spare me.  I didn’t eat at all, but I did manage to drink Gatorade and water non-stop and keep it down.  I kept falling asleep at random (since I hadn’t had coffee, this was quite easy).  I probably slept most of the day Saturday.

Overnight last night I fared much better.  I didn’t have any occurrences to make me wake up and run, so that’s good.  I am still aching this morning, but at least I finally got that hungry feeling.  I’m chowing on some crackers and sitting in #morphix talking to the folks there.  Oh yeah, and listening to music.

I’ll sit out of work at least another day or two due to how contagious this little fucker is, but hey, at least I’ll feel better eventually.