Vermyndax / Back in the Saddle

Created Mon, 27 Oct 2008 04:35:04 +0000 Modified Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:25:52 +0000
268 Words

What a wily month.

Not only did I have a new baby girl… I quit my job, signed on for a new job, got coaxed back to the old job, started the old job again and completely fell off the wagon with the gym.  Now here it is a month later and I’ve been working from home when I’ve not been playing Mr. Mom and I’m about to go back to the office for the first time since all of the drama.

I intended to take the month of October off to help the wife around the house and play Mr. Mom to our son while she did the cultural Chinese thing of laying in bed and eating her special diet as she was sequestered away with our new daughter.  As I expected, she couldn’t stay in bed even while in the hospital and her diet lasted maybe 1.75 weeks.  Nevertheless, she did stay home and I played Mr. Mom anyway, running our son all over town to his school and various activities.  It was fun, but… okie, now I’m ready to refocus on the job thing I think.

Speaking of the son, his interest in Star Wars has grown astronomically (pun intended).  Unfortunately, he’s obsessed with the NEW Star Wars, not the good stuff.  I gotta work on that.  His new thing is Lego Star Wars, which is quite fun despite the fact I have to reboot to Vista to play it.

Not a whole lot else going on really, but I am looking forward to getting back to my office for some peace and quiet.
