Holy clusterfuck Batman, get your shit together Origin/EA. Trying to get my kids to play Battlefront with me on the Xbox is a nightmare.
So far, this is the best guide I’ve come across. What a shitshow. Please fix this. Now we all have 200 billion accounts spread across all these damn networks. What a disaster.
I really think Microsoft Azure is screwed.
It’ll still be around to power Microsoft’s backend services, but as a public offering to compete against AWS… it’s toast.
Also… OneDrive… seriously, wtf?
Today (kind of on a lark) I drove to Chattanooga, TN to take the AWS solutions architect associate level test. I passed by the skin of my teeth.
Decided to come to Hooter’s to chill out and have lunch before the drive home.
See you cats at AWS re:invent in November.
I was talking to a friend earlier today about video chats and why they don’t work. She said she really didn’t like to do video chats. Actually, come to think of it, I don’t really know many people that like to video chat.
I am a refugee of Generation X. I don’t know anyone in GenX that actually enjoys video chatting. Face time is irreplaceable. I mean time that is spent face-to-face, not Apple’s FaceTime. I’ve often thought about why I don’t like to video chat and I think it comes down to one simple thing. You can’t properly make eye contact.
One thing I wanted to mention in my post about WWDC last night… did anyone feel that the tone of the overall keynote was different? It felt a little more relaxed and fun. It seems like Tim Cook has encouraged his staff to be more relaxed and at ease with what they are doing. There was more humor and more open honesty.
I think Tim is trying to strike a keen balance between old school Apple secrecy and a new humane approach to the work they are doing. I think he’s listening to the consumers about how things should be (iCloud Drive is a likely example of that).
I should be at WWDC 2014 this year, but I’m not. I work for a Microsoft-centric shoppe right now and they just don’t see the value in it. Nevertheless, I put my name in for the lottery and I didn’t win anyway.
I watched most of the keynote from afar and parts of the State of the Union address. All of it is ultra exciting. If they get Continuity, iCloud Drive (FINALLY OMG) and Messages right, this will be a killer OS combo with iPhones, iPads and Macs.
I’ve been doing a pretty bad job of updating this blog. Part of the reason is that I wanted to update the URL to move the blog to the root. I finally got around to doing that today. It’s not that painful, so I don’t know why I waited so long to do it.
In the meantime, I’ll start off by sharing an interesting WordPress trick that I picked up here. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to stop spambots from registering on this site and my many other WordPress sites. I may have finally figured out a way to do that. I just implemented it. We’ll see how well it works.
Last week, Hell froze over in one of the deepest freezes in the history of the United States.
This week, Paul Thurrott finally speaks the truth about Windows 8/8.1. It’s not pretty.
It’s going to be a very interesting 2014 in the tech world.
Speaking of which, I hope you’re having a fantastic start to this new year. I need to get back to blogging and updating my websites.
One of my dear friends on G+ saw my earlier blog post whining about what’s wrong with Windows 8. He challenged me to dive deeper into the complaints. I decided that would would be a good blogging mini-series, even though I’m trying to steer this blog clear of purely technical crap. That’s a long-winded way of saying, “Challenge accepted.” Besides, I’m just idling while Adobe Creative Cloud soaks up my hard drive space.