I’ve gotten through the long, arduous trip from LAX to my home town. This day has been pretty much a flash before my eyes – not entirely sure I remember much of it, but here’s what I do remember about the trip:
Next list… of other activities:
You may not realize it, but there’s this blog post out there that is emphatically talking about something I expressed at dinner a few weeks ago. The author of this blog was present at the dinner, so this blogger is talking about a discussion subject that I indeed brought up.
Point taken.
I can understand how easy it is to get things mixed up in translation, but it really brings to light an interesting concept about communication via blogs. While it’s quite evident that Vo0 and Whitey have a fountain of everlasting love for the dog, the blog posts did not entirely express this love in a way that drove the point home. I’ve been known to harp on the negative, but the feeling I got from reading the blog posts was that said dog was indeed a hellspawn and I chose to think of him as such.
I went to school with this guy.
We were in the same drama class.
Here’s to you, Sandon, for keeping the dream alive and sticking with it until you got there.
There’s all this hullaballoo about Twitter and the twittering and yadda yadda. It’s another company that has taken an amazingly simple idea that apparently quenches an odd thirst to be social.
Why do you think I call it odd? More on that later.
I do not find myself attracted to using Twitter. Occasionally I’ll find myself posting something in the little note areas of any messaging program I use to accomplish the same functionality and… hey, what do you know, my friends can see that message. I know, I know. Twitter makes it easy to change that message from my cell phone or a kiosk or… whatever… but… who cares? If you want to know what I’m doing, call me up… email me… or find some way to contact me using the pigeon RFC, whatever – and hook up with me for some lunch. I’ll tell you what I’m up to. Come by my office, knock on my door.
There’s an old friend of mine from high school that maintains a pretty high traffic site (linkage not really needed, but I’ll give it to him anyway: needcoffee.com). He’s turned it into a site that watches/comments on pop culture.
This friend was in theatre with us… and quite good… it’s rather eerie to hear his voice and know his personality hasn’t changed much. Good stuff.
So, just as soon as I spread my wings on Ubuntu one more time, it smacks me down like the bitch I am. For some odd reason, directories just began to disappear from the disks. Disappear! Can you believe that? I first noticed it when network mounts weren’t coming back and there were long, odd pauses on the desktop when it loaded.
Back to Windows again. Sigh.
I had a problem in Windows over the past two months – it was a problem so annoying that it drove me to try Ubuntu again. I had a problem where everytime the computer toked on the hard disks or the network, it would pause. The mouse would stop moving – just enough to annoy. On first glance, it’s easy to think… okie… my hard drives are messed up (especially after what Ubuntu did!) – but then, I rolled back to some ancient revisions of the SATA driver and the problem went away. We’re talking… ancient as in 2005.
So, Aquatix pointed out (correctly) that the coffee-n-cream theme didn’t have a login button. File that one under WTF.
Part of the reason I keep changing these themes is because I keep finding little items missing. While I like Sapphire significantly, it takes out the blogroll. That sucks because I really want you to visit my friends and I find it pretty important to link to them. File that under Suck.
Well, tonight is another night for that New Year’s thing. First off, let me say… Happy 2007!
Today we ate/socialized with Whitey and Vo0 at Cheeburger Cheeburger in Providence. Funtastic time! Thanks for the Christmas gift, guys! I can hardly wait to play it! I’m glad you guys are back in town and enjoying it so far. This town has become so much more interesting lately – and it’s only getting better. Besides, you’re just keeping with the trend of everyone moving away… then coming back… heh.
The night is silent once again… time for all of the Santas out there to stir up the dust from the closet. Merry Christmas from our family to yours 🙂
Wow. 6:38am. I’m lucky I got up – I didn’t go to bed until about 1:20am this morning. 5 hours of sleep and the day looks to be long on scheduling. There are 9 meetings today, most of them back to back… and they walk all over my lunch hour. It’s going to be rough, keep me in your thoughts.
The subject of taking better care of yourself has come up again recently. Jennifer blogged about having headaches and the need to take better care of herself. I too need to do the same. I’ve said it countless times before (but you’ll have to rely on memory since I wiped all of that out in the old blog) – I need to slow down, stop working so much and try to keep my mind off of work all the time.