Today I had the honor of putting together the first “real” video podcast for The DVD Marquee, a DVD/movie podcast site run by Jeffrey Rosado.
Those of you who know me very well know that I’ve been dreaming of putting together a new media company. Jeff, a longtime friend of mine, shares this dream. He had the notion to fire up a quick video podcast for the Oscars this year and, despite the extremely tight deadline, he managed to land equipment and a location. He shot from 10:00pm til 1:30am, then came over to my place to spend another 5 hours in editing.
Just a quick post to point out that I’m radically happy my family is nowhere near this f-ed up.
Continuing my recent tradition of expressing what are likely to be fairly unpopular opinions with my peers, tonight I’m going to rag on Google‘s “Chrome” project and tell you why this is a Bad Idea ™. I’ll try to keep this short (update: I failed). This is considered to be a discussion starter, not a final statement. I’ll probably elaborate on these discussion points on the next NO CARRIER, so be sure and give me some feedback here.
Obama Assassination Plot? –
Just in case any of you thought I was crazy when I said this country was too immature to elect a black president… I know it’s TMZ, but still.
I guess I’m just a little surprised they’re starting this early.
It seems some parents out there are coming out against immunization for their children. MSNBC has the story.
This is just fracking brilliant. Now you’re going to let your child be put as risk for these killer diseases and expose the live bacteria to my children just because you’re some stupid-ass hippy parent who wants to be all New Age and shit? Get a brain. Why do you think we almost eradicated these diseases? When was the last time you knew any children that died from these diseases? Can’t put up with a little prick to the arm? Grow up and get responsible, dumbasses.
I keep reading a lot of tweets from folks that are not much more than USA fanboys preaching the goodness of the red-blooded Yanks and how China is just a bunch of commie bastards and I’m getting pretty sick of it.
First of all, that kind of talk does nothing to help peace in the world. Shut up.
I see it happen every day. There’s a cast of characters out there – Leo Laporte, Chris Pirillo, Jason Calacanis, John Dvorak, Robert Scoble (whom I absolutely DESPISE because of that “I’m the man!” snapshot on his blog… makes me want to beat him with his fucking tripod)… a whole elite clique of cynical blog/journalists who bring up topics and lead folks around them.
Lawsuit says eatery to blame for 9-foot tapeworm –
Fugitive mom ‘uncomfortable,’ wants out of prison –
I don’t recall anything in my life’s teachings that says prison should be comfortable. Isn’t that why you avoid it?
Way to go you idiot bastards:
Man whose US immigration notice was sent to the wrong address is detained with untreated spinal cancer until he dies, denied access to his wife and children: “A Hong Kong computer programmer who had legally resided in the US for 15 years (since he was 17) and fathered two American children went for his final green card interview and was locked up, detained until he died of cancer that the DHS refused to treat him for. He had overstayed a visa (the DHS sent a key notice to the wrong address), and this prompted the DHS to lock him away and demand that he waive all right to immigration appeal and be immediately deported. In detention, his complaints of excruciating back pain were treated as fakery, and he was dragged around in shackles after he lost the ability to walk, taken on long, bumpy drives while official demanded that he drop his immigration appeals. The jailers who caused his death were private contractors with fat deals with the DHS to lock up immigration detainees.