I meant to post about this over the weekend, but… well, I forgot. I didn’t see much chatter about this over the leap day, but here it is.
On a system that uses Postfix 2.2.9 on SLES 10, Postfix started acting quite wonky on February 29th, 2008. In a standard Postfix+Amavis+ClamAv setup, you actually have two Postfix daemons – one listening on port 25 (duh), the other listening on port 10025 waiting to get mail handed off from amavis+clamav.
Why Linux will not displace Windows | TalkBack on ZDNet
Absolutely hysterical, misinformed opinion about Windows and Linux. Must read, especially you #morphixers.
Large Hospital Software Company Switches to Linux – OSS Ramblings
While I’m not as optimistic as my buddy Tony on the increase of Linux market share, I am definitely in line with him on the decrease of Microsoft market share.  As I continue my march toward converting to an all-Mac environment at home, Windows has been relegated to not much more than a gaming console.  Even that is somewhat doomed though, as I’m starting to discover some of the newest games have outgrown this almost 4-year old PC.  That’s fine, I’ll just start gaming on the Wii and continuing on with my old games.Â
Large Hospital Software Company Switches to Linux – OSS Ramblings
While I’m not as optimistic as my buddy Tony on the increase of Linux market share, I am definitely in line with him on the decrease of Microsoft market share.  As I continue my march toward converting to an all-Mac environment at home, Windows has been relegated to not much more than a gaming console.  Even that is somewhat doomed though, as I’m starting to discover some of the newest games have outgrown this almost 4-year old PC.  That’s fine, I’ll just start gaming on the Wii and continuing on with my old games.Â
Happy Linux Thoughts: Reasons why I love Microsoft’s Operating sytems
Brilliant, tasty little satirical morsel for your enjoyment.
I should also file this under jealousy that this is only the fifth entry and it’s already been Dugg to the front page. Bother.
Why Microsoft must abandon Vista to save itself | Tech news blog – CNET News.com
Good article. Go read. Now.
Last night I was reminded of why Linux’s failure to launch on the desktop will continue. It still does not survive the grandparent’s test.
In my case, my stepfather wished to view videos and flash on the web. That, of course, doesn’t come naturally with Kubuntu, unless you’re wanting to watch video on with a free/open-source codec that is used by about 0.000001% of the web. If you’d like to use Quicktime or WMV, that offers a bit of a challenge.
Microsoft Watch – Corporate – What Microsoft’s EU Ruling Means to You
Good work, Europeans. You’ve finally delivered what was needed. Too bad the U.S. government was too much of a wuss.
Folks in the cell phone and computer businesses need to wake up to what is going on outside of our country. Perhaps this is the first step toward that end. I congratulate the EU.
Jeff Jones Security Blog : July 2007 – Operating System Vulnerability Scorecard
Jeff Jones, who makes a living for himself as a security consultant, has released a scorecard for operating systems as they stood around July 2007.
Not surprisingly, the charts are fodder for everyone to bolster their arguments about which OS is better, which therefore just doesn’t prove much at all… except perhaps the definition of the word “futility.”