Today I had the honor of putting together the first “real” video podcast for The DVD Marquee, a DVD/movie podcast site run by Jeffrey Rosado.
Those of you who know me very well know that I’ve been dreaming of putting together a new media company.  Jeff, a longtime friend of mine, shares this dream.  He had the notion to fire up a quick video podcast for the Oscars this year and, despite the extremely tight deadline, he managed to land equipment and a location.  He shot from 10:00pm til 1:30am, then came over to my place to spend another 5 hours in editing.
Just in case you’re ever wondering what can make a Mac user so annoyingly smug… as a relatively new Mac user (2+ years), I received the following message on Skype.
Thanks to this article, I’ve gotten the site republished and going again.
Sometimes, Apple support does manage to come through in a pinch, it just takes them a few days.
I was really, really excited to try out iLife ’09, the successor to the really nice iLife ’08 suite.  I run with iWeb publishing to MobileMe because hey, that’s what that kind of thing is made for.
You can imagine my dismay and disappointment when I discovered that some kind of problem is preventing my site from publishing to MobileMe successfully. I even filed a bug on it.  Lots of posts in the forums about it too, but I don’t see the major Mac blogs taking up the yoke of pressing the issue with Apple.  That’s also disappointing because it’s likely they won’t do much about it until it gets really ugly and public.
Rather than spend an inordinate amount of time trying to pump out information about Macworld 2009, I thought it would be more appropriate to soak in the entire show and let my brain stew on it a little bit. Â I twittered the keynote quite a bit, so that was me trying to play journalist. Â For the rest of the week, I intended to take part in the show and ignore the fact that I was collected information to share.
For those of you who are interested in the Macworld keynote that will be occurring tomorrow… I have a guaranteed seat to attend and am planning to Twitter the presentation as it occurs.
I said planning. That does not include getting busted by any Apple employees or whatnot.
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
Image via <a href="">Wikipedia</a>
Did anyone catch the memo? Â The one that said Apple is done with Macworld after this year because they want to announce products on their own timeline? Â Yeah that one. Â I thought you saw that one.
The net is abuzz tonight as MobileMe users recieve more notices that MobileMe still isn’t what Apple had hoped it would be, so it’s offering 60 days more for free.
Paul Thurrott has already played the part of the cynic and provided a rather insightful metaphor, but I’m going to come down on the positive side and say that MobileMe has been a wonderful experience for me. Not only has it been wonderful, it’s turned my iPhone into something I can only describe as a thing of glory.
Tom’s Hardware posts an article with a Mac Pro/PC cost comparison and what do ya know… it draws pretty much the same conclusion I posted in June of last year. (WARNING: Difference is that I did a cost comparison between a Dell PowerEdge server with Small Business Server 2003 and an XServe, which turns out to be an even greater value).
I notice Paul Thurrott isn’t rebutting the article either. I don’t consider myself part of the iCabal, but I do consider myself a member of the class of common computing sense.
I have this blog post percolating in my head in which I will impart unto you my knowledge of using several tools on the Mac and PC for syncing your calendar, email, tasks and contact information. It’s a pretty large post and probably deserves to be its own article. I want to offer suggestions on how to accomplish many syncing scenarios for several situations that might fit your bill. I’ve experimented with enough of these syncing utilities to know what works best and what doesn’t… well, for me anyway. If it works for me, it’s gotta work for someone else, so I will write it up in the hopes that it will help someone who has one foot in the Mac world and one foot in the PC world.