This may work for Vista SP1 also, but it may not. I just know that it solved my Windows XP SP3 issue.
On my Mac Pro at home, I have a 100gb partition set up for dual-booting Windows XP with Boot Camp. I also have Parallels set up to use this BC partition in a VM.
While in the native Boot Camp install of Parallels, I installed SP3 for Windows XP (after updating to Boot Camp 2.1, this is IMPORTANT as it updates the drivers on your machine). Fortunately, my machine survived just fine, so I moved back into OS X.
I’m sitting here in the Memphis airport with my gen-1 iPhone downloading AIM over Edge from the new App Store. How neat is that? It’s open, go get it, folks.
If you enable sync services in Entourage 2008 to sync your calendar data to iCal and use something like Omnifocus for task management, try this.
Set up Omnifocus to sync your work-related contexts to the “Entourage” calendar in iCal that Entourage created when you enabled sync services there. Now sync your tasks. Notice how they show up in iCal and Apple Mail as to-do’s. That’s nice.
Now open Entourage 2008 and go to your tasks folder. View the goodness. Now that’s nicer.
I had to get rid of Macjournal on my work Mac due to the severe .Mac syncing issues. If you thought syncing with .Mac on a regular basis caused tears on occasion, you haven’t seen anything yet. Try getting Macjournal to sync between two computers and you will learn what it’s like to mistrust a computer’s decision-making abilities.
Eilla has always encouraged the use of Evernote, so I went thattaway for basic note keeping. Evernote even imported my work-related Macjournal entries.
Now that Firefox 3 is out and it’s quite useful on the Mac (although crashy for me, as I mention in the upcoming NO CARRIER show), now what needs to happen is a way to synchronize Firefox and Safari bookmarks automatically while also using .Mac for multiple computers.
I realize how complex that would be, but that needs to happen. Firefox is my secondary browser, not my primary, so, as you can see, amongst my severe abuse, of commas, that this, my friend, must happen.
It’s all here.
I’m just shocked and speechless. Pwned, even.
I really can’t believe this hasn’t been pointed out before… so I guess I’ll do the dirty work and try to fan the flames of rumor.
This started when I read Paul Thurrott’s latest blog post, with which I could not agree more.
Then, I decided it’s time to blog about this and see if anyone had noticed:
Today, our Blackberry reps came to visit for the quarterly meeting with our project. It’s always fun when these folks visit; they’re quite personable and wow, do they like to eat.
This time they brought along a fellow by the name of Jim from Boxtone. Boxtone is a monitoring system for RIM’s flagship product and it seems pretty interesting.
What was more interesting was the fact that his Vista laptop absolutely, positively would not get on the guest wireless. It would connect with a proper signal strength of 5 bars, but it would not get an address from the local DHCP server.
WWDC 2008 is sold out. WWDC is sold out for the first time in history.
Guess who hadn’t gotten his ticket?
After reading CNN Money’s review of the Macbook Air, I feel it’s very important to shout it from the rooftops, since people seem to be too stupid to get to system preferences and discover it for themselves…