I updated to 10.5.2 pretty excitedly and for once, I finally experienced a problem with the update.
Namely, two problems.
– Apple Mail won’t quit. I’ve had to do a force quit every time since 10.5.2. Horsing around in the discussion groups at Apple shows that a few users have the same issue, but it seems to revolve around To-Do’s and/or Notes. I tried to add a new To-Do in Mail and sure enough, Mr. Beach Ball comes a knockin’. I took the user’s advice and wiped ~/Library/Mail and it seems to have resolved my issue. I’ll let you know after it finishes downloading my tons of megabytes of IMAP mail. Oh yeah, be careful about that – you get to redownload all your mail if you’re on IMAP. I’m not sure what happens with POP3 since I don’t ever, ever use POP3, but I’d imagine you lose the messages. Beware.
A pretty important Entourage 2004 fix was RTW’d last night.
KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/948056
Look in there and you’ll see:
_Stability is improved for users of Exchange Server accounts.
This update fixes an issue that could cause loss of e-mail messages, calendar events, or contacts, for users of accounts on a server that is running Exchange Server._
You will want to download this pretty quick and get it into your QA process. It’s version 11.4.0. This will fix a data loss issue when using Entourage 2004 against an Exchange server.
Surprise! It’s Leopard 10.5.2. That’s soup indeed. It’s only 180mb after all, not the storied 300-400mb that some rumors were boasting. I’ll be pulling it down now and checking it out, since I have a feeling Apple plans to sit on this release for a little while unless there are show stoppers.
Right now, PDT: I am in a Q&A session with Alex Lindsay, Leo Laporte, Craig Syverson and Kenji Kato… in the front row!
Here’s practically live proof…
I wanted to say a few words about Office:Mac 2008, as it was released this week at Macworld and is available for order from the Apple website. Supply is already in the channel too, as there are boxes for sale in the SFO Apple Store.
I have several things to say about this suite and I’m afraid that most of them will come off as negatives.
Let’s get a few things out of the way. I’ll just put it straight as I’ve seen/spoken it over the past year. Now that the product is out, I feel like I can speak somewhat about it.
After lunch today, I decided there wasn’t much going on in the conference that would do me much good, so I spent my time wisely. I sat there at the lunch table, whipped out the laptop and started to catch up on work email. Two hours later I had made a pretty good dent in it. Usually my coworkers can tell when I do this because I send a “blast” of email messages to respond to those that had been stacking up.
Nope, iTunes rentals do not work with my 5th gen 80gb iPod.
Getting sick of it yet? Not me. Still having a great time here. I’m looking forward to seeing Leo Laporte and Alex Lindsay this afternoon.
In the meantime…
The Eve Online booth on the show floor. I accidentally ran into the developers of the game. They promised me an account. How nice of them 🙂 (Don’t they promise an account for anyone who pays?)
8:48am PDT: Here we are again at Moscone West. We wanted to stop and get some real breakfast this morning but that just didn’t pan out. We ended up with pastries and coffee again. We headed on in and camped out at the sofas in the lounge.
In a few minutes I’ll be heading up to the Live with David Pogue show on the third floor.
10:53am PDT: Live with David Pogue show was very entertaining. A good way to start the show. Next up we’re heading into a conference session about Macs in the Washington Post.
Finally, here’s the video of the long keynote walk. Told you it was coming!