6:00am PDT: We arrived to the line at Moscone West. We were placed about halfway the length of the building. Looks like we’re going to get a seat!
Pictures/video coming.
7:15am PDT: We’ve been moved upstairs to the 2nd floor of Moscone West, waiting to make the final trek in about an hour.
10:54am PDT: We’re out of the Keynote. Holy crap, the Macbook Air is amazing. Today’s announcements were very nice. The iPhone software updates are very cool. The only downer that I detected was the iPod Touch $20 software upgrade cost, but I’m betting that’s a Sarbanes-Oxley issue like the 802.11n upgrade was.
– Woke up at 6:39am. Far too late. Meant to get up at 6am. The hotel’s alarm clock didn’t go off, but my Blackberry did. Saved by the BB once again.
– Got ready and headed down two blocks to Starbuck’s while listening to a work telecon. It sure sucks to be on morning telecons at 7am. I feel for the west coast folks (Ames, JPL, etc.)
– Sitting in Starbuck’s with a grande sugar-free vanilla latte and a sausage, egg and cheese english muffin with my coworker writing this to you. Next up, we head down two or three more blocks to Moscone West to register. My coworker thought this thing was at Moscone Recreation Center. Hit Google Maps for where he thought we were going. That’s a hell of a walk (and uphill, too!)
– Arrived in San Francisco at about 5pm Pacific.
…almost missed my plane in Atlanta… damn, gotta stop booking flights with 20-30 minutes inbetween and having to haul ass through that airport!
…listed to lots of podcasts, watched two episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season 2 and one episode of Jericho.
…read up on Confessions of Economic Hitman. Interesting read so far.
– Got to Westin St. Francis about 6:20pm. Checked in. Room on the ninth floor had the faint smell of cigar smoke, instantly got sick. Asked to switched to another room. At that time, my coworker called. He got the room right next to me. We switched rooms.