Tonight, I’m trying to use dictation to write my blog post. I’m undecided if I should correct the errors that the dictation makes. I’m using MacSpeech Dictate to write the blog post. So far it’s not that bad.
This is part of a test to prove to myself that dictation has advanced enough for me to use it. I’ve always thought that if I could talk to the computer, maybe I would write more. I’m not sure if this is true or not. We’ll just have to see.
I had to get rid of Macjournal on my work Mac due to the severe .Mac syncing issues. If you thought syncing with .Mac on a regular basis caused tears on occasion, you haven’t seen anything yet. Try getting Macjournal to sync between two computers and you will learn what it’s like to mistrust a computer’s decision-making abilities.
Eilla has always encouraged the use of Evernote, so I went thattaway for basic note keeping. Evernote even imported my work-related Macjournal entries.
Today was “officially” day two of the gym and the workout was even tougher this time around. I had a full 4 days away from the gym. 3 of them were from the family reunion, 1 of them was because a work issue ended up taking over the whole time slot.
I got to it today and man was it painful.
The blood pressure was down to 154/106. This blood pressure thing is mysterious to me. My Omron blood pressure monitor for the house arrived today and I took some readings at home. They were MUCH lower – in the 110-115/80-90 range. I bet the doctor would much prefer to see that. Still, it seems to be borderline, but apparently I’m not on the edge of the abyss as the medical folks had made me out to be.
My first REAL day at the gym was a doozy. I did 30 minutes of treadmill, alternating speeds when I could take it and warming down too. I got the heart rate up to 145, which is right where Southern-belle Megan wanted me to be.
It felt pretty good. Really, it did. Then I got off the machine and felt quite dizzy for a moment. I had really pushed it.
So I had the gym assessment today. This assessment is required before this wellness center thing will let you participate in their program. I’ve visited the vampires and run the physical tests they wanted, now here I sat with this lovely young lady fresh from Tuscaloosa. She pulled her jacket close and complained that someone keeps the gym far too cold, then opened my file.
“We’re actually surprised you’re not dead,” she says.
I’ve been pretty busy the past month, you could say. I’ve actually been pulling back on the overtime at the day job to concentrate a little bit on getting some of these podcasts out the door. The end result is the first three episodes of NO CARRIER which, despite being quite dry, aren’t half bad for newbs. I’m using NO CARRIER to learn as much as I can about the actual production of the shows on this Mac Pro and for that it has been invaluable. I’m also curious as to how I can get a larger draw. While I’m not confident that NO CARRIER’s content is like A-list material so far, it’s decent enough to listen to. So I’m gauging the interest and seeing how well it does as far as the business side of things go.
Today was a lovely day.
A friend of ours drove over to pick us up and took us north to Napa Valley. We drove through the valleys… miles upon miles of vineyards. I’ve never seen anything like that – rolling hills completely covered with grape vines. It was amazing.
After stopping at 4 or 5 places, the wine tasting was getting to me. Okie, I got pretty damn drunk. I’m not really sure what happened in the late afternoon portion of the trip, except that I woke up and we were back in San Francisco.
A Mac Pro.
Tee hee!
I had more to say, but I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I am walking dead. Sorry.
Oh, and here’s a little something for you to remember as you head off to slumber tonight.
I have to admit, my wife is a real enigma.
Not only is she allowing me to go on three work trips back to back (one of which was not mandatory, but she knows I really want to go), she’s allowing me to go on A) her birthday and B) when my son has three basketball games.
She is a real treasure – it’s not too often you will find a mate that is understanding enough to let you take on something like this. I’m not too fond of being away from home that long, especially during her birthday and my son’s first few basketball games. However, she knows (as do I) that I will have nightmares if I do not attend MacWorld.
I meant to blog about this last night. Alas, I suppose I was so happy that I neglected to do so.
I ate fish.
For the first time in 20 years, I put fish in my mouth, chewed and swallowed it. I didn’t even try it all that slowly.
Some of you might call me irresponsible for going on a business trip and deciding at the last minute to see if I’m still allergic to fish or not. Others of you may not know this story and its momentous development. Therefore, I’ll rehash it here.