Spotted this morning on reddit:
This industry is hilarious.
I find that one of the primary reasons I never finish any of my little one-off projects is because I have a complete inability to break things down into smaller chunks. I can see the end state, and I just want to skip forward to that.
We’re using Gitlab at work and it’s frankly more tuned for doing what you need in an enterprise setting. Github was a pain to manage at NASA, and I wouldn’t recommend it. To that end, I’ve started migrating my personal repositories over to so I can experiment, because that’s how I learn.
Merry Christmas to you and yours. Sorry I’ve been so quiet.
This thing is flat-out amazing, and I’m sorry I waited so long to get one.
Apple has a knack for building things under our noses over the course of years… actually, even decades. They’re really good at building onto their technology when it works. When it doesn’t work, they throw it out and start over, only to build it up in the way that matches their final vision. We saw this happen with the M1 chip. It took them more than a decade, but they finally cashed in on their vision. I think we’re about to see that happen again at WWDC 2021.
I don’t really understand how people stay in this industry their whole lives. It’s truly exhausting. Each day brings a whole new package manager, vulnerability, technology, emotional or religious attachment to some component or platform… it’s just exhausting. I don’t see how we’re ever going to get anywhere.
I might need a vacation.
Many years ago, I embarked on a home automation hobby that has drained my budget. Home automation is a horrifically expensive hobby (like most of them). There’s a lot of trial and error. You’ll almost always buy stuff that doesn’t work or integrate well. It’ll be expensive. You’ll want to replace it because it’s not perfect.
I started off with the center of my universe on Amazon Alexa (like most people). I am also an Apple-holic, so I often employed hacks to make third-party gadgets work in the HomeKit space. Homebridge has been quite successful at filling in the gaps where necessary - the glue to the Alexa and HomeKit ecosystems. Alexa was my “home’s personality” according to family and visitors and for the most part, that was ok.
It’s interesting to me to see who’s doing the actual tracking. Thanks to Safari, it seems the worst violators in my bubble are… tech sites.
I do not understand how there are 50 million people in this country who look at the hatred, corruption, lies, narcissism, blatant ineptitude and moral bankruptcy and think… “We need 4 more years of this.”
I understand it’s about the journey and not the destination, but… seriously?
Apple never announces hardware updates at WWDC. They only talk about the software and things that developers care about. The new hardware always comes in the September/October timeframe. I don’t understand why the press continues to think Apple will release new hardware at WWDC.
Yes, they talked about Apple Silicon, and they gave you a good guess about when it’s coming out - but they didn’t announce anything that you can buy, yet.
How is it that Apple has followed this formula for more than a decade and people still don’t get it?