Probably the toughest and most mind-boggling thing about any cloud profession is that you could easily spend your entire career working and learning about one of the cloud providers, such as Amazon or Azure.
But the reality, in practice, is that CIO’s want you to know them all. Why? They just don’t feel comfortable with “all the eggs in one basket.” But they’re more than happy to pay one person a fraction of their worth to have to know how to do them all.
That part kind of sucks.
This morning’s toilet read from Medium was amazing. You should check it out.
I happened to see someone mention on a Hugo forum. I’m trying it. It looks pretty nice, like what I would expect from a headless CMS where hosting isn’t necessary.
I really want to use my iPad to write code. It shouldn’t be this hard. I don’t know why, but it really is. Today, I’ve been playing with round-tripping through Working Copy and Code Editor by Panic (formerly Coda). I think I’ve almost gotten it worked out, but man is it painful. I shouldn’t have to run a webdav server on my own iPad to edit documents and save back to GitHub.
I guess the good news is that I’m able to ssh into a local copy of my git repo without leaving this window. I sure have put down a lot of money on text/code editors just to experiment and find out which ones aren’t working out.
This should be so much easier. I feel like iPadOS has been band-aided to death so that it can avoid being a Macbook when people want to use it like a Macbook.
Recently, my mother moved in with us because she has needs that require her to be attended. I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to make her comfortable in the home. Part of that comfort entails setting up a TV for her to watch her shows. We’re an all-streaming home now, as I finally pulled the plug on DirecTV about a month ago. My mother is a die-hard DirecTV fan because she’s used to it.
Now, I have to ask her to get used to the way we watch shows in this house and it’s been painful.
Those of you who know me personally may be familiar with the fact that I want nothing to do with management or leadership. I really don’t. I spent a number of years in a project where leadership was something that was quite attractive to me. After I went through that period of time, I realized that what I really want is absolutely nothing to do with responsibility. I definitely do not want to be responsible for anyone else’s success or guiding directions of an overall team.
But time and time again, I was told that I was needed to take this kind of thing on. I care about people and especially my teammates, so if I feel like I can make a difference by being in that kind of role, I will do my best.
But I won’t like it.
“President” Trump is a dangerous egotistical narcisstic criminal who may very well likely fry this nation in an iron skillet.
Some facts regarding his handling of the COVID-19 situation…
I have a number of technical options available for my setup. I’d like some advice on the best approach to achieve OTA HDR 4k TV… primarily for local channels. I just canceled my DirecTV because I couldn’t justify $100 a month. I didn’t use it enough. But I need your advice.
I really love Terraform. It’s been driving my career advancements for the past 2-3 years. I’ve really enjoyed working with it. As such, I do try to create useful Terraform modules to give back to the community. Most of the module work I have done has been for my employer, but sometimes I make code that is more for myself. This is one such module.
Extremely hot rumor that Microsoft is releasing an emergency Windows patch for 2016 and 10 tomorrow. It’s such a hot potato that there are threats being made that it must be installed within 24 hours or be kicked off the wire. Looks like everyone is getting a rough start to 2020.