

42 results for Apple
  • I’m back from WWDC 2009.  What a wonderful time!  Sorry I didn’t update much about it, I was just too busy with my head buried in all the Apple goodness.  Oh my, do they have some good stuff in the pipe for you.

    One of the greatest things about WWDC is the fabulous music they play before each and every session to keep the devs jazzed up.  There was a thread about collecting the songs that were played before each session because Apple wasn’t posting a playlist.  Fortunately, thanks to the iPhone, devs were walking into the sessions with Shazzam running and collecting information on any songs that weren’t recognizable and posting it to the thread.

  •   <dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
        Image via <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Mobileme_Logo.png">Wikipedia</a>

    If you find that there’s an address book card out there that isn’t syncing with MobileMe, your iPhone, or another Mac… check to see if there is an ampersand in the failing record anywhere.  Apparently once a card hits MobileMe, it doesn’t like the ampersand in the vcard and chokes on it.  If MobileMe chokes on it, all of your devices will be unable to find the new card.

    Address book apple Handhelds iPhone MobileMe Created Thu, 30 Apr 2009 16:27:58 +0000
  • Hi, just dropping in from raiding the lands of healthy heroes and creamy young virgins to let you in on a quick Apple Mail tip.

    Do you use Apple Mail in an environment with Outlook?  In particular, do those Outlook users prefer HTML mail?  Do you receive mail from them with a microscopic font size?

    Thanks to the tip I found here you can correct this issue.

    1. Close down Apple Mail (command-Q)
    2. Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
    3. Type the following command: “defaults write com.apple.mail MinimumHTMLFontSize 13” (note: without quotes)
    4. Restart Apple Mail
    5. Squint no more.

    Hope this helps.  Flying back out to meet up with my sister Vermithrax and raid a few kingdoms today.  Wednesdays are always fun like that.

    apple Apple Mail e-mail email font size Created Wed, 15 Apr 2009 13:12:10 +0000
  •   <dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
        Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/7992161@N04/546086117">tom ferris</a> via Flickr

    Apple finally announced the WWDC 2009 dates and they couldn’t have targeted a better week.

    It looks like I will become a representative for my agency on the Calconnect standards organization.  They happen to be having a meeting at Oracle in Redwood Shores, CA the week prior to WWDC.  With the wife’s permission, this means two weeks in the wide and crazy world of San Francisco.

  • I was really, really excited to try out iLife ’09, the successor to the really nice iLife ’08 suite.  I run porkbuns.org with iWeb publishing to MobileMe because hey, that’s what that kind of thing is made for.

    You can imagine my dismay and disappointment when I discovered that some kind of problem is preventing my site from publishing to MobileMe successfully. I even filed a bug on it.  Lots of posts in the forums about it too, but I don’t see the major Mac blogs taking up the yoke of pressing the issue with Apple.  That’s also disappointing because it’s likely they won’t do much about it until it gets really ugly and public.

    apple GarageBand ILife IMovie IPhoto Created Wed, 18 Feb 2009 04:55:17 +0000
  • Rather than spend an inordinate amount of time trying to pump out information about Macworld 2009, I thought it would be more appropriate to soak in the entire show and let my brain stew on it a little bit.  I twittered the keynote quite a bit, so that was me trying to play journalist.  For the rest of the week, I intended to take part in the show and ignore the fact that I was collected information to share.

    alexlindsay apple ILife IWork Keynote Created Mon, 12 Jan 2009 05:16:15 +0000
  • For those of you who are interested in the Macworld keynote that will be occurring tomorrow… I have a guaranteed seat to attend and am planning to Twitter the presentation as it occurs.

    I said planning. That does not include getting busted by any Apple employees or whatnot.

  •   <dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
        Image via <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Apple-logo.png">Wikipedia</a>

    Did anyone catch the memo?  The one that said Apple is done with Macworld after this year because they want to announce products on their own timeline?  Yeah that one.  I thought you saw that one.

  • If you were subscribed to my Twitter feed, you would have known in near real time that today I had one seriously exciting treat. I managed to squeeze my way into a tour group being led by the incredible Jack Garman here at Johnson Space Center. Think I would turn down such a chance? Absolutely not. Not only is Jack Garman a wonderful friend and professional mentor to me… today I learned much, much more about him… and I’m in simple awe. (Read the Wikipedia entry).

  • Continuing my recent tradition of expressing what are likely to be fairly unpopular opinions with my peers, tonight I’m going to rag on Google‘s “Chrome” project and tell you why this is a Bad Idea ™.  I’ll try to keep this short (update: I failed).  This is considered to be a discussion starter, not a final statement.  I’ll probably elaborate on these discussion points on the next NO CARRIER, so be sure and give me some feedback here.

    apple Chrome Firefox Google Internet Explorer Created Fri, 05 Sep 2008 05:26:11 +0000