

2 results for Conditions and Diseases
  •   <dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
        Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/89665467@N00/3057326221">Fuschia Foot</a> via Flickr

    An old, old friend of mine runs the website Needcoffee.com.  It’s a fun website, full of twists, turns and cunning wit.  It also centers its existence around the thesis that humans do not need to sleep.

    Two weeks ago I was in New Orleans, LA on a trip for work.  While we’re sitting at our chosen location pounding away on keyboards and debating serious elements of our system and the politics behind it, I found myself engaged in a conversation with one of my coworkers.  It was the chief engineer, of whom I highly respect.  When he speaks on all things NASA IT, I listen.

  • So just in case you are wondering if I’m conscious of the New Year… yes, I am.  Believe it or not 🙂

    I have just three resolutions this year and they’re quite personal.  I’ll share them with you, intrepid reader, since you can keep a secret.

    • Do better at maintaining my temper, blood pressure and sanity.
    • Sleep better.
    • Lose 80 pounds by last December 2009.

    Think I can do it?  Who knows.  I have a gym membership, so I’m armed.