The crops of our quiet labor are starting to bear fruit. Jeffrey Rosado, host/creator of “The Culture of Pop” and “DVD Marquee” landed a nice little interview with Felicia Day at DragonCon.
Today I had the honor of putting together the first “real” video podcast for The DVD Marquee, a DVD/movie podcast site run by Jeffrey Rosado.
Those of you who know me very well know that I’ve been dreaming of putting together a new media company.  Jeff, a longtime friend of mine, shares this dream.  He had the notion to fire up a quick video podcast for the Oscars this year and, despite the extremely tight deadline, he managed to land equipment and a location.  He shot from 10:00pm til 1:30am, then came over to my place to spend another 5 hours in editing.
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Image via <a href="">Wikipedia</a>
So, I don’t mean to continue to rail on Vista like I did about a year ago, but something absolutely ridiculous happened to me today.
I’ve been doing some hard drive recovery for my dad’s old NEC Windows 98 system. (I had to do some recovery on another system as well, but that one didn’t go so well).