

5 results for Email
  • I’ve thought about writing a blog entry about this for quite some time. I spent a majority of my career in the email space for government agencies.

    I can confirm this blog article does a better job than I would have done.

    It’s time to declare SMTP as dead.

    email technology Created Sat, 13 Jul 2024 14:03:01 +0000
  • Apple provides a long list of privacy-focused features to help you maintain your modern-day sanity. It’s not too often that you get to taste the actual benefit of these features and how they give you control over the flow of information.

    For instance — privacy features in Safari are cool, but they’re largely transparent and once you turn them on, it’s not really all that clear how the features are benefitting you. That’s by design. You should just experience peace of mind with those features.

    apple email icloud ios privacy Created Mon, 31 Oct 2022 10:21:42 +0000
  • Description of Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3

    It looks like Exchange 2007 SP3 RU4 has a lot of goodies in it. At least 5 of the items in this list are impacting the environment at my day job.

    While it’s good to see progress, I’m always wary of these updates because of the regression bugs they often introduce. Test and patch carefully, gang.

    email Exchange system administration Windows Created Thu, 07 Jul 2011 17:35:38 +0000
  • I ran across this article this morning. It shouldn’t surprise anyone… well, with the exception of the people that are getting scammed.

    My favorite part of the article is the comments. Someone claims in the article that AOL invented email and uses that to defend paying them a monthly fee. Hilarious.

    aol email stupid people Created Sun, 23 Jan 2011 16:20:42 +0000
  • Hi, just dropping in from raiding the lands of healthy heroes and creamy young virgins to let you in on a quick Apple Mail tip.

    Do you use Apple Mail in an environment with Outlook?  In particular, do those Outlook users prefer HTML mail?  Do you receive mail from them with a microscopic font size?

    Thanks to the tip I found here you can correct this issue.

    1. Close down Apple Mail (command-Q)
    2. Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
    3. Type the following command: “defaults write com.apple.mail MinimumHTMLFontSize 13” (note: without quotes)
    4. Restart Apple Mail
    5. Squint no more.

    Hope this helps.  Flying back out to meet up with my sister Vermithrax and raid a few kingdoms today.  Wednesdays are always fun like that.

    apple Apple Mail e-mail email font size Created Wed, 15 Apr 2009 13:12:10 +0000