Large Hospital Software Company Switches to Linux – OSS Ramblings
While I’m not as optimistic as my buddy Tony on the increase of Linux market share, I am definitely in line with him on the decrease of Microsoft market share.  As I continue my march toward converting to an all-Mac environment at home, Windows has been relegated to not much more than a gaming console.  Even that is somewhat doomed though, as I’m starting to discover some of the newest games have outgrown this almost 4-year old PC.  That’s fine, I’ll just start gaming on the Wii and continuing on with my old games.Â
Large Hospital Software Company Switches to Linux – OSS Ramblings
While I’m not as optimistic as my buddy Tony on the increase of Linux market share, I am definitely in line with him on the decrease of Microsoft market share.  As I continue my march toward converting to an all-Mac environment at home, Windows has been relegated to not much more than a gaming console.  Even that is somewhat doomed though, as I’m starting to discover some of the newest games have outgrown this almost 4-year old PC.  That’s fine, I’ll just start gaming on the Wii and continuing on with my old games.Â
This new thing I’ve been cooking up here lately is starting to get some “rah rah!” momentum, methinks. I had a nice three hour meeting with an old coworker from the station who, after talking through all of the ideas, seems very much behind it. Earlier today I had an awesome meal with Vo0 and Whitey the Yak Shaver, there were some funny ideas brewing behind that one as well.