resource "google_api_gateway_api" "api_gw" {
provider = google-beta
api_id = "my-api"
resource "google_api_gateway_gateway" "api_gw" {
provider = google-beta
api_config =
gateway_id = "my-gateway"
Am I the only person here that thinks this resource naming is absurd? I should be able to look at these resource names and immediately understand what is going on here. This is nothing but confusion.
I wish I could say this is the only example of this ridiculousness in the Google/Google-beta provider (speaking of, two providers? Really?) but it’s not.
I have always wanted to use Firebase and Google Cloud for more and more projects. My last support experience with AWS was bad enough that I decided it was time to make the leap. Galaxycow is now using Firebase hosting. Bear with me for the SSL errors for a little while.
I have to admit… Google+’s new features make this a really compelling place to hang out for social features. I like the technical approach more and more, but it’s too bad that it’s hard to get people on to it.
I was reading the blog post over at Microsoft from the fellow… Oh, I forget his name already. Anyway, he was explaining why Microsoft is filing a complaint with the European Commission about Google’s unfair business advantages and whatnot.
At first, this whole thing comes off as a company entering legacy mode. Microsoft reminds me of the RIAA, MPAA and the newspaper industry. They clearly feel the edge is blunted and their technology is dying. They are unable to adapt. As a result they are engaging in a strategy of sue and destroy.
It just occurred to me while I was visiting the Thinking Chamber earlier today:
If the big three tech companies were characters in Back to the Future, they would be…
Microsoft == Biff
Apple == Marty McFly
Google == Doc Brown
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
Image via <a href="">CrunchBase</a>
When NetNewsWire went with Google Reader syncing, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I swore off Google Reader quite some time ago. Indeed, I was using NNW to avoid Google Reader. Now I’m being forced back?
This kind of bothers me.
I noticed on Google Adsense that daily traffic to my website had increased by 4 times the amount of regular traffic.
I poked around the stats to look at why this might be and what I found there makes me stop and think:
Top search queries for galaxycow
Continuing my recent tradition of expressing what are likely to be fairly unpopular opinions with my peers, tonight I’m going to rag on Google‘s “Chrome” project and tell you why this is a Bad Idea ™. I’ll try to keep this short (update: I failed). This is considered to be a discussion starter, not a final statement. I’ll probably elaborate on these discussion points on the next NO CARRIER, so be sure and give me some feedback here.