

3 results for Icloud
  • Apple provides a long list of privacy-focused features to help you maintain your modern-day sanity. It’s not too often that you get to taste the actual benefit of these features and how they give you control over the flow of information.

    For instance — privacy features in Safari are cool, but they’re largely transparent and once you turn them on, it’s not really all that clear how the features are benefitting you. That’s by design. You should just experience peace of mind with those features.

    apple email icloud ios privacy Created Mon, 31 Oct 2022 10:21:42 +0000
  • In one of those “duh” moments for today… I’ve been wrestling with an oddity in my git repositories with vscode. Sometimes when I open a git repo, it will just suddenly duplicate all of the files in the repo. It seemed to happen most of the time when I was opening a large git repository with vscode. Turns out that iCloud is to blame - something about vscode and iCloud Drive synchronization doesn’t get along. Solution: move your development directory out of ~/Documents or iCloud Drive. All will be well. They didn’t need to be there anyway. Duh.

    Dev Apple iCloud Created Mon, 14 Feb 2022 13:49:54 -0600
  • If you’re plagued by the Apple Software Update popping up every day to remind you that iCloud for Windows 5.1 is available to install… even when you already have it installed… you need to go registry-diving.

    This community post on the Apple site worked for me. Whew. Finally. That was super annoying.

    Hope you’re all well. Reach out to me and let me know how your life is going.

    apple icloud Windows Created Fri, 19 Feb 2016 14:05:14 +0000