I’m back from WWDC 2009.  What a wonderful time!  Sorry I didn’t update much about it, I was just too busy with my head buried in all the Apple goodness.  Oh my, do they have some good stuff in the pipe for you.
One of the greatest things about WWDC is the fabulous music they play before each and every session to keep the devs jazzed up.  There was a thread about collecting the songs that were played before each session because Apple wasn’t posting a playlist.  Fortunately, thanks to the iPhone, devs were walking into the sessions with Shazzam running and collecting information on any songs that weren’t recognizable and posting it to the thread.
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
Image via <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Mobileme_Logo.png">Wikipedia</a>
If you find that there’s an address book card out there that isn’t syncing with MobileMe, your iPhone, or another Mac… check to see if there is an ampersand in the failing record anywhere.  Apparently once a card hits MobileMe, it doesn’t like the ampersand in the vcard and chokes on it.  If MobileMe chokes on it, all of your devices will be unable to find the new card.
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Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/7992161@N04/546086117">tom ferris</a> via Flickr
Apple finally announced the WWDC 2009 dates and they couldn’t have targeted a better week.
It looks like I will become a representative for my agency on the Calconnect standards organization.  They happen to be having a meeting at Oracle in Redwood Shores, CA the week prior to WWDC.  With the wife’s permission, this means two weeks in the wide and crazy world of San Francisco.
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
Image via <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Apple-logo.png">Wikipedia</a>
Did anyone catch the memo? Â The one that said Apple is done with Macworld after this year because they want to announce products on their own timeline? Â Yeah that one. Â I thought you saw that one.
If you were subscribed to my Twitter feed, you would have known in near real time that today I had one seriously exciting treat. I managed to squeeze my way into a tour group being led by the incredible Jack Garman here at Johnson Space Center. Think I would turn down such a chance? Absolutely not. Not only is Jack Garman a wonderful friend and professional mentor to me… today I learned much, much more about him… and I’m in simple awe. (Read the Wikipedia entry).
The net is abuzz tonight as MobileMe users recieve more notices that MobileMe still isn’t what Apple had hoped it would be, so it’s offering 60 days more for free.
Paul Thurrott has already played the part of the cynic and provided a rather insightful metaphor, but I’m going to come down on the positive side and say that MobileMe has been a wonderful experience for me. Not only has it been wonderful, it’s turned my iPhone into something I can only describe as a thing of glory.
I’m reading a lot of backlash today regarding Apple’s announcement that an upcoming firmware update may turn the iPhone into an iBrick.
Most of reactions can be filed under kneejerk, but since that will be the smallest word on the tag cloud (cough cough), let’s analyze this a little bit.
Apple is preemptively warning consumers that some of the publicly available hacks for the iPhone may have caused “damage” of some kind that will either be repaired or turned into an open bleeding wound. The point is not so much that Apple is warning that you may have an iBrick, which is what most people are sticking with. Rather, people feel the point is that Apple is announcing they “intend” to brick you.