I should be at WWDC 2014 this year, but I’m not. I work for a Microsoft-centric shoppe right now and they just don’t see the value in it. Nevertheless, I put my name in for the lottery and I didn’t win anyway.
I watched most of the keynote from afar and parts of the State of the Union address. All of it is ultra exciting. If they get Continuity, iCloud Drive (FINALLY OMG) and Messages right, this will be a killer OS combo with iPhones, iPads and Macs.
I’ve had a challenging few weeks.
It started off with a typical sinus infection… or allergies, I’m not sure which exactly. All I know is that I had a sore throat, stuffy nose and semi-regular headaches. I managed it with cold medicine and nose spray the best I could. I continued my normal workout regimen because usually, working out actually helps with congestion. This wasn’t the case this time around.
I’m sure Apple is testing something, but this is a given. Why would we try to glean something from this? Silly people.
Usage logs show Apple has begun testing iPhone 6 running iOS 7:
Apple’s new iPhone and iOS software have begun surfacing in app usage logs…
(Via MacDailyNews)
Here’s a little productivity tip for those of you who may need it. In OS X, one of the features that I find is vastly underused is Spotlight comments. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a way to tag your files quickly and easily with say… a “TODO” tag or something so you could easily find them and remember to work on something?
Using Automator, you can do this very quickly. Open up Automator and build out a Service that looks like this:
Hi, just dropping in from raiding the lands of healthy heroes and creamy young virgins to let you in on a quick Apple Mail tip.
Do you use Apple Mail in an environment with Outlook? Â In particular, do those Outlook users prefer HTML mail? Â Do you receive mail from them with a microscopic font size?
Thanks to the tip I found here you can correct this issue.
Hope this helps. Â Flying back out to meet up with my sister Vermithrax and raid a few kingdoms today. Â Wednesdays are always fun like that.
The net is abuzz tonight as MobileMe users recieve more notices that MobileMe still isn’t what Apple had hoped it would be, so it’s offering 60 days more for free.
Paul Thurrott has already played the part of the cynic and provided a rather insightful metaphor, but I’m going to come down on the positive side and say that MobileMe has been a wonderful experience for me. Not only has it been wonderful, it’s turned my iPhone into something I can only describe as a thing of glory.