I’m back from WWDC 2009.  What a wonderful time!  Sorry I didn’t update much about it, I was just too busy with my head buried in all the Apple goodness.  Oh my, do they have some good stuff in the pipe for you.
One of the greatest things about WWDC is the fabulous music they play before each and every session to keep the devs jazzed up.  There was a thread about collecting the songs that were played before each session because Apple wasn’t posting a playlist.  Fortunately, thanks to the iPhone, devs were walking into the sessions with Shazzam running and collecting information on any songs that weren’t recognizable and posting it to the thread.
I was really, really excited to try out iLife ’09, the successor to the really nice iLife ’08 suite.  I run porkbuns.org with iWeb publishing to MobileMe because hey, that’s what that kind of thing is made for.
You can imagine my dismay and disappointment when I discovered that some kind of problem is preventing my site from publishing to MobileMe successfully. I even filed a bug on it.  Lots of posts in the forums about it too, but I don’t see the major Mac blogs taking up the yoke of pressing the issue with Apple.  That’s also disappointing because it’s likely they won’t do much about it until it gets really ugly and public.