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Image by <a href="http://www.daylife.com/source/Getty_Images">Getty Images</a> via <a href="http://www.daylife.com">Daylife</a>
One of the industry buzzwords that needs to go to the grave is the user “experience.”
Don’t quote me here, but I recall this buzzword being developed by Microsoft as part of the marketing campaign behind Windows XP.  XP was supposed to be “experience” or “expert” or “Xtra stuPid marketing,” I’m not sure.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an XP hater.  But I’m definitely a hater of the term “experience.”
Are you curious about the hard stats of messages running around your organization?
Try this one in powershell on your hub transport server:
get-messagetrackinglog -start “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” -end “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” -eventid “send” -resultsize 9999999 | measure-object
This will pull stats for messages that were “sent”.  To pull the number of messages received, change the “eventid” parameter to “receive.”
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Image via <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com">CrunchBase</a>
Paul Thurrott posted a nice attaboy to the MSN folks today for releasing a wallpaper product that will check Microsoft for updates to your operating system.
(note: the following is a stream of consciousness post regarding some software requirements as i dream them up.  if you are a developer and actually take up these requirements as the design for a software project, please let me know.  if you are aware of a software product that accomplishes all of this, please do not bother to let me know about it.  i don’t care.  fact is, nothing on the market today does this well enough to make me care about it the way i want to care about it.)
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Image via <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:User_Account_Control_administrator_dialog.png">Wikipedia</a>
So, I don’t mean to continue to rail on Vista like I did about a year ago, but something absolutely ridiculous happened to me today.
I’ve been doing some hard drive recovery for my dad’s old NEC Windows 98 system. (I had to do some recovery on another system as well, but that one didn’t go so well).