Apple seems to have all kinds of slick tricks up their sleeves. Some day you’ll be futzing around with the trackpad and moving things around, some days you’ll hit the wrong key combination… and some days, something will just happen. It’s like one of those happy little accidents that Bob Ross loved to talk about.
Yesterday while I was trying to shift some tabs around in Safari on macOS Monterey 12.4, I accidentally slid one of the tabs all the way to the right of the tab bar. The tab rolled up into the favicon from the site and pinned there.
I’ve noticed that my M1 Max Macbook Pro battery has been getting hammered lately, and I wasn’t entirely sure why. Activity Monitor was confirming some of my greatest fears: Safari was actually using significant energy. I didn’t know why. The lesson? Beware of new features.
Tonight I was browsing through my normal websites with Safari on my Mac when suddenly, this window took over my entire browsing experience (click to go full screen on it).
I either got this from, or I’m not sure which. I did a force-quit on Safari and moved on with my life, but still… beware.
If you’re having stupid amounts of trouble with your plugins loading in Safari 4 on Snow Leopard, go to your Finder and open /Applications.  Right-click on the Safari app and choose “Get Info.”  On that screen, you’ll see a checkbox to run the app in 32-bit mode.
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
Image via <a href="">CrunchBase</a>
When NetNewsWire went with Google Reader syncing, the hair stood up on the back of my neck.  I swore off Google Reader quite some time ago.  Indeed, I was using NNW to avoid Google Reader.  Now I’m being forced back?