

4 results for Television
  • The crops of our quiet labor are starting to bear fruit. Jeffrey Rosado, host/creator of “The Culture of Pop” and “DVD Marquee” landed a nice little interview with Felicia Day at DragonCon.

  • I don’t want this to sound too harsh, but sometimes I get tagged by these Internet memes and it just grates on my nerves until they’re raw.

    What I mean to say is, of course, I’m flattered that my friends thought about me enough to actually want to know random facts about me and include me in the meme.  The problem is when I’m tagged with something like this, it lurks in my Inbox with a follow-up flag that waves at me every time I open my email.  “Hey, guy.  Remember, there’s some folks out there that want to know all kinds of random shit about you.  Isn’t it time you ponied up?”  It’s about as annoying as those bouncing icons in the dock that want attention.  “Hey!  You!  Me!  Click me!  Hey!  Hello!”

  • The installers kept the appointment this time around – as of today we have Dish Network added to our plasma box of glory.  So far it’s good.  We ate breakfast while watching bizarre shows from the other side of the planet.

    It’s amazing how quickly the wife tired of it 😉  That was a quick Americanization.

  •   <dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
        Image via <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:SuperDISH121.jpg">Wikipedia</a>

    One of the fortunes I’ve had this year was to finally obtain a “real” TV set to replace the small dinky tube I’ve had since I moved out of my house.  In case you’re wondering, that’s about 19 years ago.