

4 results for United States
  • Are you curious about the hard stats of messages running around your organization?

    Try this one in powershell on your hub transport server:

    get-messagetrackinglog -start “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” -end “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” -eventid “send” -resultsize 9999999 | measure-object

    This will pull stats for messages that were “sent”.  To pull the number of messages received, change the “eventid” parameter to “receive.”

  •   <dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;">
        Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/7992161@N04/546086117">tom ferris</a> via Flickr

    Apple finally announced the WWDC 2009 dates and they couldn’t have targeted a better week.

    It looks like I will become a representative for my agency on the Calconnect standards organization.  They happen to be having a meeting at Oracle in Redwood Shores, CA the week prior to WWDC.  With the wife’s permission, this means two weeks in the wide and crazy world of San Francisco.

  • The installers kept the appointment this time around – as of today we have Dish Network added to our plasma box of glory.  So far it’s good.  We ate breakfast while watching bizarre shows from the other side of the planet.

    It’s amazing how quickly the wife tired of it 😉  That was a quick Americanization.

  • I keep reading a lot of tweets from folks that are not much more than USA fanboys preaching the goodness of the red-blooded Yanks and how China is just a bunch of commie bastards and I’m getting pretty sick of it.

    First of all, that kind of talk does nothing to help peace in the world.  Shut up.