I tend to use Facebook on a web browser so I can use ad blockers to control the experience. Yeah, I know… but Facebook is how I stay in touch with extended family.
Anyway, I noticed this afternoon that Facebook seems to have taken a page from Youtube’s playbook and start messing with ad blockers. I’m using Arc with uBlock Origin and as you can see from the screen recording below, Facebook is trying really hard to circumvent the blocks.
Apple seems to have all kinds of slick tricks up their sleeves. Some day you’ll be futzing around with the trackpad and moving things around, some days you’ll hit the wrong key combination… and some days, something will just happen. It’s like one of those happy little accidents that Bob Ross loved to talk about.
Yesterday while I was trying to shift some tabs around in Safari on macOS Monterey 12.4, I accidentally slid one of the tabs all the way to the right of the tab bar. The tab rolled up into the favicon from the site and pinned there.
I have always wanted to use Firebase and Google Cloud for more and more projects. My last support experience with AWS was bad enough that I decided it was time to make the leap. Galaxycow is now using Firebase hosting. Bear with me for the SSL errors for a little while.
It’s interesting to me to see who’s doing the actual tracking. Thanks to Safari, it seems the worst violators in my bubble are… tech sites.
I really think Microsoft Azure is screwed.
It’ll still be around to power Microsoft’s backend services, but as a public offering to compete against AWS… it’s toast.
Also… OneDrive… seriously, wtf?
Today (kind of on a lark) I drove to Chattanooga, TN to take the AWS solutions architect associate level test. I passed by the skin of my teeth.
Decided to come to Hooter’s to chill out and have lunch before the drive home.
See you cats at AWS re:invent in November.
I’ve been doing a pretty bad job of updating this blog. Part of the reason is that I wanted to update the URL to move the blog to the root. I finally got around to doing that today. It’s not that painful, so I don’t know why I waited so long to do it.
In the meantime, I’ll start off by sharing an interesting WordPress trick that I picked up here. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to stop spambots from registering on this site and my many other WordPress sites. I may have finally figured out a way to do that. I just implemented it. We’ll see how well it works.