Are you curious about the hard stats of messages running around your organization?
Try this one in powershell on your hub transport server:
get-messagetrackinglog -start “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” -end “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” -eventid “send” -resultsize 9999999 | measure-object
This will pull stats for messages that were “sent”. To pull the number of messages received, change the “eventid” parameter to “receive.”
I’m all about negativity today. Sorry.
Anyway, I’ve had something nagging at me for a while now and I think I’ve just figured it out. Powershell is Microsoft‘s answer to having a dumb command line through the Win95 – Win2003 years and it’s quite powerful, as the name implies. Microsoft likes it so much that they makes most of the Exchange 2007 administration efforts in the Exchange Management Shell, a derivative of Powershell that contains Exchange-specific cmdlets.